
Middle of the Night Funny

Last night my husband got home from "coffee" (AKA beer and motorcycle talk) around 2:30am ish.  It was one of those times where I wake and think I am wide awake but really...I'm not.

He came into the room and grabbed his pillows.  I said, "You smell like beer".  He said "I do? " and sniffed himself...like that ever works.  He then said he was really stuffed up and knew he would snore so he was going to sleep on the couch.  He then made a joke that I can't remember and when I didn't laugh he said, "I'm funny."  

I responded with "funny like a splinter".  and then I started to laugh and couldn't stop for a minute.  When I finally did stop, I said, "I'm funny.  especially in the middle of the night."

When he just grunted instead of agreeing, I reached over and pulled his arm hair.  He said, "Did you really just do that?"  I said, "Yep, cause I'm funny, especially in the middle of the night." and started laughing again.

He left and I figured since I was THAT funny and THAT wide awake that I'd be awake forever.  But since I wasn't really awake...I was asleep in less than 10 minutes again.

Damn it
I am funny.
Especially in the middle of the night.


Awesome Notebook

Go to Staples right now.

Run, don't walk...and check out their "m" line. Clearly they made it for me. Customizable and perfect. I bought a notebook in February and I just love it.

Pinterest is good if you apply it

I was heading to an event and needed some appetizers. I think this may be the only thing that I actually used from Pinterest!!


I think my cat is over me taking photos of him...

I found a box in the basement and found these. You tube the song "I love onions" and you too can have the song trapped in your head all day. 

This was all stuff from my grandmas house....

Clown car drawer

I went on a decluttering clothing binge after Christmas and then came across clown car drawer.

This tiny little drawer held 81 pairs of socks. How does that even happen??

This led me to post it on facebook and ask everyone to count their socks. It seems that you either are a sock hoarder like me or barely have enough socks to survive. There is no in between.

Door 24 - the last door

I had to google Fake Up too and when I read that it hides dark circles, I admit that my heart skipped a little beat. Granted, it could be from the coffee I'm drinking now but I like to believe there's more to life than coffee...

Seeing as it's now April and I hadn't yet tried this, I leapt up immediately and ran upstairs to try this. Seriously Monday's are great for this type of experiment since I always have brilliant purple circles having to get used to 5:30am wake up calls. 

I tried this under my left eye just now. It works really really well which I guess agrees with the 1200 people who rated it 4/5 stars on sephoras websites.

I tried to take a close up of both eyes but failed miserably in showing anything useful which means either A. I suck at selfies or B. This cover up has a great placebo effect. Either way I'm happy - no one really needs to see my baggy eyes posted here for all of eternity.

So that's it, the calendar is done. All in all. I enjoyed it and got introduced to some things that I never would have tried on my own. I certainly wore more make up...going from once every few months to maybe once every two weeks while trying these out. Is that a plus or a minus? I can't decide.

I'm going to leave my right eye bare today and see if anyone asks me about it -- seeing as it now looks like I've been punched compared to the lovely left eye.

I won't buy this calendar again this year because it's going to take a good two years just to use these samples. Come september-ish, I'll be stalking the Internet to see which advent calendar to try next.

Door 23

More lip tint. I like the samples that are lip related. They don't scare me like door 21.

This color is a bit scary but applied lightly I was able to control my pulse. 

Door 22

Another mascara. I really like this one and have used it several times. This is one that I would consider buying the full size edition of...providing something shiny doesn't distract me before then.

Door 21

I had to google this one. Apparently it's a highlighter...something I've never used. It's now April and I still haven't used it. 

Door 20

I liked door 20. Who doesn't need more lip gloss? Like!

Door 19

Funny... I'm still blogging about my advent calendar. 

Door 19 was a hair tie which I promptly gave to my 6 year old.


Still Alice

Girls night out - combine this with some Famoso pizza salads and soup = perfect date.


Door 18

"That Gal". Sephora says that this primer makes skin appear smoother and brighter.

I did wear it alone to work one day and a few people commented that I looked good. I also had mascara on so maybe they were just mesmerized by my eyes?

I will have to try this one again especially after watching the video on sephora. Lol. She seemed quite enamored by the smell.

Door 17

This is definitely not worth it.

Door 16 on my advent calendar

I had to google this one too. The term high beam in my head did not translate to make up. Sephora says that Benefit's High Beam adds angelic sheen when added to brow bones and cheekbones.

This amuses me and makes me feel like a 40 year old trying to be 14. For that reason I'm going to put some on now just before supper. I'm on day 15 of a nasty resp flu and look pretty deathly right now. I'll let you know after supper how angelic my family thought I looked...stay on the edge of your seat waiting for me....

Well that was a dismal fail. They noticed my eye right away (see the last door) but nothing with angelic glow. Later I was told that I had sparkles stuck to my face. Guess it's gonna take a lot more than High Beam to make me an angel.