
Method 1: Day 6

Thursday started off to be a great day.  I woke up well before my alarm and reached blindly for my eyedrops to restore my vision.  Then I blinked happily and yawned a few times.  I noticed how much my new nails shone in the early morning light.  They looked like vampire's nails (if you like the Anne Rice description).  That amused me to no end since I've always had a little something for vampires...

Fast forward to  the days end when I was giggling and chattering to my husband and co-worker (let's call her Mrs. Smith).  I reached behind me to the desk drawer where I keep my purse and went the middle nail on my right hand.  I looked in vain all around me but was gone to that place where single socks go...    I warned my green faced co-worker that she may walk across it with a sickening crunch the next day.

I rode home slightly disgusted at my newly revealed old nail.  It wasn't smooth or even and certainly did not have the vampiric sheen that I so admired only a few hours before.  Despite that, I decided not to replace it since my 7 days with nails was coming to an end anyway.

Which brings us to Friday...
I was in my scrapbook room madly sorting through my kid's clothes & toys for an upcoming outgrown it sale.  Ummmm....well that's not entirely true.  I was actually staring transfixed at a taped Days of Our Lives episode (from Mid-Feb - I am behind. Melanie's been shot!) and reaching to move my wheeled chair to put an item in a rubbermaid bin.  SNAP!  Off came the little fingernail of my left hand.   I stared forlornly at the nail sitting on my desk before deciding it wasn't worth so much sympathy and chucking it into the trash.

Not even an hour later I bounded (yes, actually bounded) up the stairs to move a load from my washer to the dryer and rammed my hand into the dryer door.  You guessed it - SNAP!  Lost the nail next to the pinky on my left hand and it HURT.  Throbbed like nobody's business!  I know you are wondering if I am being this clumsy on purpose and I really wish I could agree with you.  Sadly, I really suck that much and coordination has never been one of my strong suites.  I blame it on being left handed.  Isn't there some research that says left handers are more prone to accidents?  [nodding]  I thought so.   I'll accept that since similar research says left handers are more creative.  :)   Anyway - that nail was angrily tossed away since I was mad about hurting myself. 

I was just finishing up in my scrapbook room by punching some circles out of some fun foam using my "I should have replaced this crappy punch with a quality one years ago" punch.  Par usual, the thing jammed and I tried all my usual methods to unjam it without success.  I resorted to banging it on the side of my table and when that didn't work I had to reach for a hammer.  Happily, that worked with a minimum of damage to the punch.  I cheerfully sat back down to resume punching and realized that I was now missing the thumbnail on my left hand.  I stared at it resentfully, watched it gleam at me in vampiric mockery.  Then, using a tiddly-wink-like fling,  shot it into my trash can with no other words other than "meh".

Here I am 4 nails down, 6 not-as-lovely as before left.  Tomorrow night I am going to attempt to remove them.  I should have kept the instructions as I'm not entirely sure how to do that.  LOL.  Tomorrow night will be 1 week through this method and then I will have 2 weeks left to not chew....or I'll be moving on to method 2.  I'm not quite sure which outcome to root for...

1 comment:

  1. LOL now this was entertaining.
    See you Monday
    - Mrs.Smith
