
Random thoughts - Direct from the source

It's 2:02am... The furnace is on and I'm awake.

I like to Imagine that I'm one of those people who can pack for vacation and use the tiny suitcase. You know the one. It's almost carry on size and its cute.

In reality I own the biggest suitcase known to man and pack everything but the kitchen sink making that suitcase weigh more than my overflowing laundry basket.

I think this work trip will be worse than usual because I need to bring my work wardrobe and personal life wardrobe . You think I was indecisive before? This has the potential to reach epic proportions.

With the blogger app working somewhat reliably I'm considering documenting the piles of laundry here because its bound to help someone. Perhaps someone will say " hey - that's how I pack" and feel like we are kindred packing spirits. Or maybe they will look at my packing pile, shake their head sadly and consider passing on a therapists name. In which case it will help them feel better about themselves not having such a sad affliction. Still other people will see that I am actually posting photos of packing a suitcase and decide that this is the post that makes them realize they should be reading better quality blogs. All the power to you bored readers. I have my 1 fan and they'll either forgive me or love me more. Lol

It's 2:17am and I was going to start telling you about my very first facial experience but I think I might be better off going to sleep and talking about that later. :)

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I laughed like a mad woman, we are packing kindred spirits!!! Firstly I have to have ALL my laundry done and put in baskets in the living room so I can go through it all at least 5 times over. It starts with the first pack, where there are FAR too many things, then I go through again and delete a few, then again delete a few more than go through, add a few things that I previously took out, then miserably shake my head, give up and throw it all in. My suitcases are always sent through the "heavy" conveyor belts. I surely am worse than you and here I am making you feel better!! right?
