

Well, frogs actually.

I have the bedroom window wide open and I can hear them. I love it. I loved hearing coyotes more as I went to sleep but there has been too much development around us since we've moved in and the coyotes have found other houses to howl at.

So now it's frogs. I feel like I'm camping or that my wildest fantasy has come true and I now own a lakefront cabin. Either way, I'm feeling pretty content in my alternate reality. 

Content enough to ignore my neighbor two doors down who keeps mooing like a cow. He has a fire pit, the smoke from which is being sucked into my bedroom adding to my camping virtual experience. I'm not sure why he's mooing though. Must be a country boy missing his home.

As for me, if I don't turn off this phone right away I'm going to miss my chance to fall asleep reading as I do each night and that would be a damn shame.

Goodnight loyal but tiny following. Goodnight stars, goodnight air... Goodnight noises everywhere.


2 am

2am thoughts can be skewed.

When my son was a newborn I hated 2 am. He wasn't big on sleeping (and still isn't 8 years later) and I often found myself up with him at that time. I'd sit rocking him in a chair by his bedroom window thinking longingly of my warm bed. I know some people love those middle of the night moments but I've always preferred them during the day after a full night's rest. :) 

I'd sit in that chair gazing out the window at the blackness of night and darkened windows, firmly believing that I was the only one awake in the universe at that time. 

2 am thoughts can be skewed.

8 years later - not much has changed. I still hate 2am. I *am* the only one awake in the universe. :)  This time I don't have a newborn to fuel my irrational night thoughts. This time I have only an over active brain that thinks too much for 2am...

2am thoughts can be skewed.

Nothing rational can come of 2am thoughts. 2am thoughts are usually overly dramatic or sentimental with only a gossamer thread of reality woven through. At least I'm clever? enough to keep my thoughts to myself tonight instead of typing them and feeling silly in the morning when reality shines its harsh light on my fanciful thoughts leaving me feeling somewhat foolish and remorseful...

Because 2am thoughts can be skewed.