
Sleeping? Ummm....

So the sleeping hasn't been the greatest.  Aiming to sleep 7-8 hours a night sounds delightful but its a lot more work than I thought!!  Two nights ago I turned out my light quite pleased with myself knowing that I'd get a full 8 hours of sleep.  Of course that turned out to be the night I couldn't sleep!! I tossed and turned, fell asleep and then woke up half an hour later only to toss and turn again.  I think I managed to pull off about 5 hours that night.

Why you ask?  What caused me to do that?  Hmm...2 reasons I think.  The first is that I think I had too much sugar and caffeine.  LOL Yes - entirely my fault.  The second was my own neurotic brain.  That night was the first night in my life that I have ever been on call.  I swear that trying to sleep next to that cell phone was like sleeping next to a bomb that could go off at any time.  I'm not sure why the thought that the phone might ring is so terrifying but it is.  I have procedures printed out and I know exactly what to do if I get a call from work...but its weird having your life kind of on pause...waiting, waiting...

Thankfully out of sheer exhaustion from the night before I managed just a few minutes less than 7 hours last night.  I did spend about 20-30 in the middle of the night freaking out about the phone again. 

It's funny because I wake up in the morning and it all seems so silly and trivial but things in the middle of the night take on a degree of gravity that can not be ignored.  Fears seem magnified, every new idea is more brilliant and thoughts race upon each other like socks tumbling in a dryer.

We'll see what tonight brings as day 3 of being on call commences.  Only 3 more nights to survive and it will be someone else's bomb to sleep beside.  :)

As for shopping - Stellar so far!  I was a little bit pouty about not buying myself lunch on Friday as it my tradition but managed not to dissolve into tears about it.  ;)  Someone bought me a coffee today which was exactly what I was craving as I always buy myself a mocha on Fridays.  Thanks JR!

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