
Method 1 - Day 2

Here they are curtesy of Save-On foods.  I must have stared at their selection for about 10 minutes trying to figure out what the heck I was doing?  I know nothing about this!!  Finally decided on this brand with an "very short" length.  It took me an hour to put these things on!  LOL!  Then I decided that "very short" was still very clawlike and they were driving me crazy.  I took a nail clippers and trimmed them down to my "very short" which is still longer than I have ever had my nails.

Hee Hee!  Me with fingernails.  That can't be my hand.  LOL! 

I went to sleep fearing that I would slash myself unknowingly in the night.  Luckily I did survive until morning and even managed to dress myself with my alien-feeling hands.

My son declared that my nails looked weird and I agreed.

On the way to work I had an animated conversation with my husband and when we wondered what the weather was like in Las Vegas, I eagerly reached into my pocket to grab my phone and check the weather there.  Upon doing so, I stabbed my finger into my side and snapped a nail off.  Sigh. 

The other 9 stayed put until after work when I glued the 10th one back on.

These nails are supposed to be removed in 7-10 days.  It's been about 24 hours.  My thoughts?

They look nice.  My thumbnail looks weird and ill - fitting and a couple of them are a tad crooked...but it is fun NOT to have to hide my hands. 

The downside?  I can't stand them.  They feel heavy and pressured on my fingers.  I am not used to nails sticking out even a little and I'm finding it irritating to do basic things like go to the bathroom and type.  I can easily irritate my co-worker by tapping on my desk (hee hee Mrs. Smith).  They irk me and feel creepy.  Yes, it's pitiful.  How sad am I?  I will try to stick it out for 7 days before i remove them despite my squeamishness about them.

They have helped me learn some of my triggers though.  Driving to work I found myself feeling them for rough parts to pick at which would usually lead to my chewing.  At lunchtime while reading my book, I found my hands straying toward my mouth - stopping when I felt how foreign they felt.  Hopefully in the next 6 days I can recognize even more of my triggers and have this work!  On the other hand...can the first method really be the one that works?

Or am I going to have to pull out my teeth in method 2?  Time will tell....

1 comment:

  1. I betcha by the end of day 7 you will already be picking out your second pair :)

    And just so you know.........I will STILL go on date nights with you. Even if you are the nail-biting-toothless-Mel that I will learn to love as much as the toothed one....

    Pinky swear!!!!!
